RED Driving School’s top tips for revising for your theory test

Photo by dbrooker1
Despite the cold, frosty evenings, there’s no doubt that spring is on the way. With daffodils blooming and the sun beginning to warm up those once chilly afternoons, you may be thinking ahead to those summer holidays and camping trips with friends.
With this in mind, you may be planning to take your theory test soon in order to get that bit closer to the ultimate goal of passing your driving test, and the freedom of being able to drive anywhere you like! Therefore, we have created a list of top tips for how to revise for your driving theory test.
- Only use DSA publications to revise so that you do not become confused with different wordings and phrases
- Use your practical lessons to practice Theory and Hazard perception on the move
- If you come across any questions or answers you don’t understand, take them to your instructor on your lesson and ask them to explain it – understanding why helps you remember more easily
- A Hazard Perception technique enjoyed by pupils, used in practical driving lessons, was to gently tap the steering wheel when you would click on the Hazard perception video. This way your instructor can help you with learning what to look for and when to react.
- Make a timetable of when you are going to practise and stick to it – you could record you progress too
- Buddy up with a friend to ask each other questions, it’s fun and you both learn together

Photo by Valley Library (Oregon State University)
- Get the setting right, practice in a place with no distractions – either quiet or if you prefer to listen to music play something that won’t distract you
- Having your mobile phone off and closing other computer programs will reduce the number of distractions and will help simulate the test conditions for the day
- Revise early in the day and take regular breaks so that you don’t feel too tired to take in more information. You’ll also be less likely to make mistakes.
- Do lots of mock tests! This is the best way to prepare for the day!
- Make sure you eat well, exercise and get a good night’s sleep the night before your test!
If you have any tips of your own of fun effective ways to lean your theory, why not pop onto our Facebook page and share your thoughts with us!