
The RED Corporate Driver Training platform to support your own driver safety programme.

Having a simple, flexible but professionally developed system will help you save time, money, manage your occupational road risk and save lives.

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  • Note: This form is for corporate/business enquiries. For learner driving , please click here to visit the “Learn to Drive” part of our website and book lessons.

What is SafetyFirst?

To ensure you can control and improve your driver risk profile and management of your drivers, RED’s Award Winning SafetyFirst platform is here for you. We recommend it is used as an integral part of your holistic approach to professionally managing road risk and the safety of your drivers (and, of course, therefore the safety of other road users too).

Risk Management. Training. Compliance – sorted

With a well-designed and simple to use interface, the system will allow you to store all the details of your driver community – by each individual driver – in a flexible way and as you’d like to organise them. Let us show you how by booking a demo.

With dashboards and prompts to allow you to have immediate oversight and control to manage each driver, their level of risk, their training history, their compliance with road safety laws, the SafetyFirst platform is really flexible. It will help highlight issues by exception such as higher risk drivers, drivers who have significant penalty points on their licence, drivers who have not completed prescribed e-learning modules, and even grey fleet drivers who must declare and refresh insurance, service and tax status before driving their own vehicle for business purposes. It can host your organisation’s policies and standards and other useful assets and support information (such as permissions to drive, ensuring drivers have read important Driver Policy documents and more).

The system will accommodate all types of drivers from fleet-owned vehicle drivers to grey fleet drivers too – different types of drivers in different types of vehicles – all held in one accessible, easy to use platform, placing you in control. And helping to keep your drivers safer.

Visibility. Simplicity. Control – sorted

With RED Corporate Driver Training, not only can we provide the specific driver training and driver risk management products, training course services and other interventions for your drivers, SafetyFirst is the platform to ensure all information on all your drivers is visible, present, correct and helping you to run a safer and more efficient operation.

It is also easy to access as an individual driver to populate core identity details, complete tasks requested of them such as online driver assessments, e-learning training modules and more.



RED is developing a whole new range of quality, real-world video-based driver e-learning modules that will help you manage your driver community risk better.

You can watch the demo video here that illustrates the quality and range we are now developing. Already available in this new 2024 form are modules covering:

  • Motorway driving
  • Rural driving
  • Urban driving
  • Speed awareness
  • Fatigue
  • Share the Road

We are developing more as we speak to add to this new portfolio. We also have other subject matter still accessible in an earlier format so we can cover all of your needs and offer new content continuously.

Served to you and your drivers out of the new SafetyFirst system, they can offer you really good content to encourage your drivers to refresh their knowledge and learnings – improving on road safety and behaviour.

How SafetyFirst can help you

What are the benefits?

Simple, practical platform from RED

A simple to use cloud-based system powered by RED Corporate Driver Training to help you keep control of your drivers vehicles and risk management.

Combined with RED’s range of professional and practical driver risk services – from licence checking to driver assessments to e-learning modules and on road driver training – the system is easy to update, provides simple dashboard access and a range of practical features and reports to help you control, administer and communicate with your drivers.

You are in control

RED provide initial set-up support and training, which allows you to manage and control your activities in your business the way you’d like to organise it:  bulk import your driver community details, organise them into operating or other divisions/groups, set compliance checks and bookings for drivers to complete mandated or required training – the system will be the core control hub for you and any administrative team members. And SafetyFirst embraces your core fleet drivers as well as managing your duty of care for grey fleet drivers too.

Your drivers will love it too!

Accessible on desktop, tablet or mobile smartphone, your individual drivers can easily access the system, to populate required details to start with, and then complete tasks (or update details) required of them by you centrally in your organisation.

You can prompt individual drivers or groups of drivers to take particular required actions via push email notifications. You can invite them to perform tasks (such as e-learning modules for extra safety) or request them to update and confirm details of a grey fleet vehicle in use (MOT, tax, maintenance confirmations, for example).


Fill out our contact form below for a demonstration of the system from one of our Corporate Account Management team.