Health & Wellbeing Advice for Drivers

Maintaining good health is vital for both safety and performance on the road. Long hours behind the wheel can lead to physical strain, mental fatigue, and health risks. Here’s a guide on how to stay in top condition.

For tips on driving, view all of our driving advisories here. 

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  • Note: This form is for corporate/business enquiries. For learner driving , please click here to visit the “Learn to Drive” part of our website and book lessons.
Young Woman Carries Groceries to Car With a Smile

Physical Wellbeing

  • Seating & posture: Adjust your seat, steering grip, and mirrors for comfort and support. Proper posture reduces back pain and fatigue.
  • Healthy eating: A balanced diet with vitamins, lean proteins, and whole grains sustains energy levels and prevents long-term health risks like obesity and high blood pressure.
  • Hydration: Drink water regularly to stay alert and avoid headaches, dizziness, and impaired focus.

A driver’s diet

Make sure you get plenty of these…

Vitamins, Minerals, Omega-3 fatty acids, Fibre, Lean proteins, Healthy fats, Whole grains and Fruits.

Sad businesswoman driver sitting in car

Mental Wellbeing

  • Combat fatigue: Recognise signs like heavy eyes, yawning, or lane drifting. If you’re tired, take a break—driving drowsy is dangerous.
  • Reduce stress: Manage work-life balance, stay connected with family and colleagues, and practice relaxation techniques.
  • Stay focused: Avoid distractions, recognise road rage triggers, and ensure you’re well-rested before long drives.

5 tips top better your mental health

  1. Sleep better: Avoid mobile phones, have a routine, use blackout curtains.
  2. Balance work and life: Work is important but ensure you can take time out.
  3. Reduce stress: Share problems, and ask for help.
  4. Keep in touch: Don’t get isolated, keep in regular contact with others.
  5. Eat and drink well: Better diet means better cognitive function.
Electric seats adjustment

Safe Driving Tips

  • Plan ahead: Check traffic conditions, be mindful of pedestrians and cyclists, and keep emergency essentials like water and sunglasses.
  • Use technology wisely: Safety systems like lane assist and collision warnings help, but don’t rely solely on them.
  • Medication & vision checks: Ensure your eyesight is optimal and be aware of medication side effects before driving.

Driving Advisory: Health & Wellbeing

For more in-depth tips and detailed recommendations, download the full PDF guide. Stay informed and drive safely!

Kind young bearded man drinking mineral water

Featured Courses

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Driver Risk Assessments

Our On Road Driver Assessment is a half-day course that focuses on assessing a driver’s expertise in managing the high-risk environment of urban driving and reducing the likelihood of being involved in a preventable driving incident.

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E-Learning Modules

Our RED E-Learner modules are an integral part of our blended training programmes, providing regular content and training reminders to drivers of their responsibilities.