Speed Awareness Training

Are you concerned about your driving habits? Have you been caught speeding and want to avoid further offences? Take control of your speed with RED’s Speed Awareness Training.

Speed limit sign on rural road with car
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  • Note: This form is for corporate/business enquiries. For learner driving , please click here to visit the “Learn to Drive” part of our website and book lessons.

How can this course help you?

During the practical on-road training portion of the course, our experienced trainer will show you how to drive with confidence and stay within the speed limit.

You’ll learn how to match your speed to the road conditions and manage your concentration to avoid distractions.

Our course also covers more advanced driving techniques to help you become a better driver overall.

What is the outcome of the course?  

At the end of the course, you’ll receive a full report with recommendations for further improvements.

You’ll be able to take control of your speed and become a safer driver, reducing the risk of further offences and accidents.

Plus, with our pre-course RED Driver Profile and post-course report, you’ll have a full understanding of your driving habits and how to improve them.

Course Details

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The course is flexible and can be tailored to your needs.

Either a half day 09:00 – 12:30 or 13:00 – 16:30 (Flexible hours can be requested on booking form)

This course is for anyone who wants to improve their driving habits, especially those who have been caught for speeding and have points on their licence.

It’s also suitable for drivers who want to become more confident and skilled on the road.

The course is runs for half a day

The course covers a variety of topics related to speed awareness, including understanding speed limits, managing concentration, matching speed to risk, and tips for staying within the limit.

You’ll also receive advanced driving techniques to help you become a better driver overall. It’s designed to help you become a safer and more confident driver, reducing the risk of further offences and accidents.


Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question for us?

Check out the most frequently asked questions about RED’s speed awareness training.