Health, Wellbeing & Resiliency workshops

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We have been successfully delivering a range of interactive Health, Wellbeing & Resiliency workshops for over 10 years to a wide variety of delegates, from school children to elite athletes and extensively across business, UK wide.

However, our expertise lies in improving the performance of ‘people’ whatever and wherever they are from and we have tangible and auditable proof that what we deliver, works!

Many organisations have already subscribed to our online Wellbeing Profiler, WBP, and as such are already benefitting from this great tool and the data output that this provides.

As a direct result of this ‘data’ we have now created a range of ‘mini’ workshops that directly address the areas that are reported on in the WBP.

These bite-sized practical workshops give the why and the practical how’s with each workshop tailored to expand on the advice given in the POD profiler.

All sessions are interactive, coupled with high energy and engaging delivery providing delegates with useful, practical tools and techniques that will help them and develop their wellbeing.

Click on the links below for detailed information or the enquiry button to the right to send us an e-mail.

Women open a fridge and picking a pepper

POD001 - Healthy Lifestyle

Good nutrition, exercise and weight control. This workshop focuses on all lifestyle sections of the POD profiler.

Men talking in a group

POD002 - Mental Clarity and Brain fitness

This workshop focuses on the mental clarity, decisiveness and control sections of the POD profiler.

POD003 - Improving your sleep

This workshop focuses on the Tiredness section of the POD profiler.

Portrait of a woman peacefully smiling with her eyes closed

POD004 - Successfully Managing Stress

This workshop focuses on the Anxiety, Anger and Relaxed sections of the POD Profiler.

POD005 - Personal effectiveness

This workshop focuses on Self-management and Self-esteem sections of the POD Profiler.

RED wellbeing logo

POD006 – Team RE Building

This workshop delivers an innovative Team Re building event.